Friday, October 2, 2009

BAPR update and Vet note: (poison not likely)

Some updates:

1) Randi Plotner of Bay Area Poodle Rescue has rallied her network to help. She reports:

Several of us put posts on Facebook. I emailed Loree Levy who does poodle rescue in San Jose and spoke to Sara Rogers of Southbay Purebred in San Jose. She lives close to the intersections of Brentwood and Borina (in San Jose). Also email Nancy Lyon of Ohlone Rescue in the Fremont area.

Our volunteer in Los Gatos Veronica Presedo-Floyd is calling all the area vets and shelters. I called AVID to make sure Raven's chip was registered -- they had your information -- and gave them my home phone number. I contacted the President of Mission Trail Poodle Club and a woman who organizes poodle meet-ups in the San Ramon Valley area. I posted a notice on a dog-related message board and included a link to the blog.

Randi's email address is Bay Area Poodle Rescue's hotline number
is 510.286.7630.

2) We spoke with Raven's vet who suggested the following:

She confirmed that if Raven was seen running 2 hours after she left the area with the poison (she came out of the pool around 12:30, and went through the fence, then was spotted at 3pm), odds are very VERY good that she did not ingest any. Had she ingested a little, she would have been weakened by then, especially after spending the time in the pool. (She) also indicated that in this kind of situation, no news usually means good news. In this area, with so many people and so little space, people are very quick to notice a dead dog. Live dogs can hide and move. She will also pass the blog info on to her contacts, including other local vets.

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